Montgomery County, MD was planning an expansion of its circuit courthouse. Several programming studies had already been conducted for the project, but county officials wanted an independent verification of the future needs and a revised space program to finalize the scope of the project.
Fentress was hired by the URS Corporation (now AECOM), the prime contractor working on the Montgomery County circuit courthouse expansion, to:
Fentress verified the need for the planned expansion project and provided a comprehensive report that documented the existing space deficiencies, anticipated future growth of the court, and identified needed facility improvement projects. The report contained a detailed space program that helped the county prepare preliminary design concepts and develop an accurate project cost. Fentress also presented the results of the study to county decision makers, which helped the funding effort for the project. In addition, Fentress prepared a courtroom utilization study that help to determine the size and usage of courtrooms in the annex. An annex to the Montgomery Court Circuit Courthouse has been constructed and was occupied in 2014. The annex contains 10 courtrooms and 8 hearing rooms with additional space for court personnel offices.