Many courthouses around the nation are out of space and lack sufficient security. Such deficiencies can hinder the effective administration of justice. A courthouse needs assessment is the best place to start for determining the capacity of an existing courthouse and the space needed to accommodate current and future judges, court personnel, and court operations.
Our courthouse assessment process determines the space you need to properly accommodate the court and the justification on why you need it. This justification helps courthouse projects receive funding.
In addition to working directly for courts, we also team with architectural firms during planning and programming to help them be more competitive on courthouse projects. In doing so, we offer our analytical services, proven processes and tools, expertise in court standards, and knowledge of best practices in courthouse design.
Our work on over 1000 court facilities nationwide has helped us develop an award-winning courthouse planning and programming process. Our objective is to plan well-functioning courts that are safe, secure, and promote effective justice.
Our comprehensive planning process blends architecture and analysis to evaluate existing courthouses and to plan for future space needs. We establish a baseline of current operations, identify deficiencies in existing space, and recommend projects to improve courthouse space. We develop metrics that measure how well the courthouse functions in terms of security, functionality, condition, adherence to design standards, and the use of court technology. The strategies we develop incorporate an analysis of past, current, and projected workload trends and judge/personnel staffing levels.
We facilitate sessions with judges, court staff, and courthouse tenants to glean key assumptions on current and future personnel and operational needs. By doing so, we are able to combine our knowledge of courthouse planning best practices with the knowledge and experience of court personnel. This combination results in a customized program of requirements that details each court’s space needs. We will also establish tenant adjacencies and courthouse blocking diagrams to meet the specific operational needs of the court.
We help courts analyze alternatives for meeting current and future space needs. In doing so, we use cost-benefit analysis as a decision-support tool to evaluate competing alternatives and to identify the best approach to improve operations, security, and space conditions. Our analytics can be applied to both a single court location and a large portfolio of courthouses.
We maintain a library of courthouse design standards encompassing all levels of government and court jurisdictions. These standards are tailored to each court project. Our architects combine the design standards with their extensive knowledge of best practices to assist courts in developing design guidelines. We have also automated these design standards to create customized online courthouse calculators. Such calculators add consistency when planning across a courthouse portfolio and can significantly accelerate the planning and programming process.
We help courts systematically evaluate competing designs for a new project. We have developed an integrated design evaluation tool that can be applied from schematic design through post-occupancy. The tool evaluates each potential design across a range of factors, including building operations, image and aesthetics, space functionality, security, space standards, court technology, and adherence to the program of requirements. The results help to ensure that the design and construction process will deliver a courthouse that meets the specific needs and goals of the project.
We have conducted numerous ad hoc studies for courts to address specific issues and decision points. A sample of topics includes justice system workflow modeling, law enforcement and prosecutorial policy impact studies, workload measurement, courtroom sharing policies, courtroom layout